Grafo-Therm Container Condensation Treatment

Product Reference: 2426
  • Applied to the inside roof of the container, Grafo-Therm soaks up and holds any moisture.
  • A 1.5mm coating of Grafo-Therm can absorb and control against 1 litre of moisture per square meter
  • Non toxic, non flammable and non combustible
  • Incorporates a highly effective fungicide to prevent mould forming and fungal growth
  • White/light grey in colour which matches common container interiors
  • Grafo-Therm can be used in conjunction with other condensation solutions
Price from: POA

How to Order

Call us free on 0808 1234 215 quoting product reference 2426 or request a callback.

We are open 8:30am – 5pm, Weekdays

Product Description

Grafo-Therm a great permanent condensation solution for containers – see below for full details.

A shipping container can be considered a little like a very big metal can. Even when wind & watertight if sat static on your site you will find that condensation forms on the inside of the roof as the container cools down overnight. This can cause problems if your storing paperwork, textiles, foods or any other moisture sensitive goods.

Grafo-Therm is a very popular and cost effective treatment against condensation, A thin layer (only a few mm thick) of grafo is applied to the inside of the roof of your container which traps and holds any condensation as it forms and prevents it dripping into the cargo space. It doesn’t prevent the condensation forming in the same way an insulated container may. However, it will be between a fifth and a tenth of the cost of a basic line and insulate option depending on the size of your container.

It is applied by our yard before your container is delivered to you and once its on, you won’t even know its there! It goes on as a spongy substance approx 1.5mm deep straight onto a clean roof, it soaks up and holds any moisture that forms within your container. Whenever dew point is reached on the roof, condensation will form. That is when Grafo will immediately absorb the moisture and stop it dripping onto your goods*

The next day when the sun comes out and the container warms up you should find the moisture evaporates from the grafo back into the air inside your container.

From some depots we can also send out a man with van to Grafo-Therm a container at your site. For single units this will almost always work out slightly more expensive than doing it in our yard. For multiple shipping containers this can work out cheaper overall if these can be treated all in one go. Please feel free to discuss this with us as we are here to help you get the most effective setup for your specific job.

Grafo-therm Price and Availability

We offer this treatment nationwide but prices will vary due to the size of the container being treated and the availability/geography of depots using Grafo-Therm.

In some cases we may hold stock of containers that have already been grafo treated, but commonly we will apply the grafo to order. It takes a minimum 2 days of +10 degree temperatures and lower humidity for the grafo to properly set and this can mean that lead times vary. In deepest winter we may need to heat your container for a day or more which can add to the cost and lead time.

*Not recommended for use if your goods are in any way going to touch the roof of the container.

There are plenty of other options to help insulate or treat your shipping containers against condensation. Please feel free to check out our Ultimate guide to shipping container condensation treatments for more background information, or of course feel freer to contact our team if you’d like to discuss any of these options over the phone,

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